Universities and Higher Education
We are dedicated to reduce abuse and restore trust in your community
Create a safe environment to learn and work
Students exposed to potentially traumatic experiences often demonstrate emotional and behavioral difficulties that dramatically interfere with their ability to fully engage in study. Such characteristics can both negatively impact the educational experiences of traumatized students and present significant challenges for everyone involved. ICIARA’s mission is to prevent the trauma of abuse by giving everyone the opportunity to quickly and anonymously report incidents.
Did you know that
- Did you know that 90% of sexual assault survivors on college campuses do not report the assault?
- Did you know that 25% of college women and 15% of college men are victims of forced sex?
- Did you know that two-thirds of college students experience sexual harassment?
- Sexual Assault (Date Rape)
- Harassment
- Bullying/Cyberbullying
- Inappropriate student/teacher relationships
- Physical Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Weapons
- Inlerance/Discrimination