ICIARA: Independent – Complaint – Investigation – Accountability – Resolution – Application

Make Our Communities Safe Again!

ICIARA is a fully integrated, innovative technology platform that streamlines the reporting and assessment of misconduct to prevent abuse and ensure accountability within organizations.


ICIARA software modules enable organizations to manage complaints proactively, collaboratively, and promptly to achieve a satisfactory resolution.

Safe Complaint Collection and Reporting

Unbiased Complaint Investigation and Tracking

SLR: Algorithm Driven Assessment of Severity and Liability Rating

Collaborative and Transparent Complaint Resolution

Administrator Complaint Management Dashboard

ICIARA integrates technology and services to change organizational culture!

“Technology isn’t the biggest challenge …Culture is…”

Harvard Business Review July 2019


ICIARA trained experts follow a modulated, consistent, unbiased process to resolve complaints fairly, promptly, and collaboratively.

We provide counseling and support services for victims and offenders to restore trust and confidence.

  • Case Manager

  • Coaching & Counseling

  • Legal and Mediation

  • Education & Training


Change Organizational Culture to Restore Trust!

Increase Accountability

by proactively reporting and promptly resolving complaints

Increase Productivity

by resolving complaints collaboratively and satisfactorily

Increase Profitability

by reducing abuse, misconduct, and liability

Safe Environment

by adhering to organizational policies and guidelines

We Protect Our Customers

Corporations, schools, universities, churches, government agencies, and other organizations are being overwhelmed by the lack of oversight and compliance in properly addressing harassment, bullying, and other misconduct.

Intrested in Learning More?

Contact Us

To schedule a demo and learn more about ICIARA technology and services